Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bagaimana Nak Hantar Dokumen Guna Email ?

Soalan dari En S,

1. Buka email macam biasa
kalau yahoo pergi ke www.yahoomail.com, kalau gmail ke www.gmail.com
cth : http://www.gmail.com

Masukkan Login / Password

2. Click pada compose (gmail) dan new (yahoo)

3. Masukkan alamat penerima , tajuk , dan isikandungnya



4. klik pada attach file dan browselah dimana file yang kita nak hantarkan tu. tunggu sehingga upload selesai..
5. dah siap semua, klik send - insyaallah boleh.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why I won’t get a hybrid car

Source : http://www.thesundaily.com

Why I won’t get a hybrid car
Columnists :: Oon Time By Oon Yeoh

WE’VE all heard of hybrid cars. They are supposed to be ecologically friendly, producing far less emissions than normal cars. They are also supposed to help you save on petrol. So, why don’t we see more hybrid cars on the road?

In a word: Price. Hybrid cars are expensive. OK, so they don’t cost as much as a sports car but they are by no means cheap, though they should be.

And the choice is limited in Malaysia. Basically, if you want one it’s either a Honda Civic Hybrid or a Toyota Prius. I’ve been inside both and they are marvels of technology. As a tech-centric guy, I love the idea of driving a hybrid. But I won’t be getting one because they are still too costly.

If the government really wants to be environmentally friendly and to reduce people’s dependence on petrol (and thus not have to spend so much on subsidies) there are a number of things it can do. But before we get into that, let me explain what a hybrid car is.

The typical car that you and I drive is powered by petrol. The engine turns a transmission which turns the wheels. A fully electric car has batteries that power an electric motor which turns a transmission which turns the wheels.

The petrol-electric car is a hybrid of the two. There are two types of hybrids: Parallel and series.

The parallel hybrid involves both a fuel tank (to supply the petrol to the engine) and batteries (to supply electricity to the motor). Both the engine and the electric motor can turn the transmission at the same time, which then turns the wheels.

In a series hybrid (which is less common) the petrol engine turns a generator which charges the batteries. These batteries then power an electric motor that drives the transmission.

Both the Civic Hybrid and the Prius use a form of the parallel hybrid system although they are different in terms of complexity.

Let’s start with the Civic Hybrid, which uses what is commonly referred to as a "mild" hybrid system that involves only a modest degree of hybrid technology. They are sometimes called "power assist" hybrids because the engine is still the primary source of power. Propulsion cannot be accomplished on electric power alone.

The Prius uses a full hybrid system which is sometimes referred to as a "strong" hybrid. As its name implies, it can be powered by just the petrol engine, just the electric motor, or a combination of both. Not surprisingly, high-capacity batteries are needed for this system. The vehicles also need to have a power split device that toggles between mechanical and electrical power.

Whether you choose a Civic Hybrid or a Prius, you will get lower emission and fuel savings. There’s no doubt about that. But both cars are well over RM100,000. To be more precise, the former is slightly under RM130,000 while the latter is slightly under RM180,000.

Cost is a major barrier to adoption. If the government is serious about encouraging hybrids, it should exempt excise duties for all hybrid cars. That would encourage other brands to bring in hybrids. Competition will drive prices down even further.

Another thing the government could do, especially in the beginning to encourage uptake, is to impose a lower road tax. It can also allocate special parking spaces in cities for hybrids.

There are numerous incentives the government could do if it wanted to encourage hybrids. But until it does so, hybrids are going to be a rarity when they should be common place. Imagine if Malaysia had the highest number of green cars per capita in the world. Now that’s a No. 1 spot worth having.

Oon Yeoh is a new media consultant. Comments: letters@thesundaily.com

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Menonton Video Online boleh jadi MEMBAHAYAKAN ? Bagaimana ?

Kesimpulannya : Bukan semua online video itu selamat, berhati-hati. Zaman sekarang - kebaikan itu masih ada tapi bukan pada semua , kerana ada diantaranya "bermakna"
Lihat sendiri

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Taklimat Prestasi 2010


Unhide files hidden by virus

So ..recently i told you that you can used
1. attrib command (dos command )  c:\attrib -r -a -s -h  [pendrive]:\*.*
2. used attribute changer

do we have a very, very, very simply ways ?
emmm .. yeah, we have it
try this one ....

just one click .. you can download here .... http://www.megaupload.com/?d=38UYR4AN

Remove Virus Shortcut From Your Computer System

Method : Manual - With the manual.  ( Taken From info-antivirusblog )
  1. Turn off system Restore.
  2. Turn off the virus by using wscript.exe tool CProcess or CurrProcess (click on link). Run Crocess, search tab on the process name wscript.exe then right click on the name of the file and click kill procesess selected.
  3. Open Windows Explorer, click the tool menu option, folder option, view, click show hidden files and folders, click / uncheck the Hide extensions for known file types and Hide protected operating system files.Klik OK.
  4. Open my documents. Delete the file database.mdb.
  5. Click the Search button. Click All Files and Folders. In the All or part of the file name type: thumb.db, in the Look in a click. Delete all files that have been found. Repeat the steps above and delete all files that are found again.
  6. Click the Search button. Click All Files and Folders. In the All or part of the file name type: Autorun.inf, Look at the click in my computer. Delete all files that have been found. Repeat the steps above and delete all files that are found again.
  7. In step 6 virus is actually missing or no longer active but still have the rest of the shortcut duplicate folders created by malware earlier.
  8. If you also want removed, you must be careful once the shortcut is created by the virus with a shortcut to the default windows. The shortcut of the folder is created by the virus that is when we refer to the folder will appear in the link from the shortcut to the windows/system32. That we should be clear.
  9. How to find the folder shortcut: Click the Search button. Click All Files and Folders. In the All or part of the file name type: *. lnk, Look at the click in my computer. You must choose from based on the characteristics of a folder shortcut is created by the virus at the top of the line.
  10. You can delete the registry made by the virus earlier by using the tool HijackThis. (You can download HijackThis 2.0.2 here). Click Scan system and only looking at the HKCU \ ... \ ... database.mdb, HKLM \ ... \ .... relating to the WindowsXP cd (I forget the name length, and for that sometimes there is also sometimes not), and HKCU \ ... \ .... disableregedit = 1. click the button fixed.
  11. Now restart your computer.

In fact, if we do not delete the registry before (step 10) is not a problem, but at the restart windows will appear 2 text box that the first search for the file dialog database.mdb we remove earlier, the second prompted enter cd WindowsXP (this show is that there are also who does not). click Ok. Regedit and then it is likely we will didisable by the virus earlier. This also ga not problem if your brain is often especial registry windows.

Method to prevent the virus come again:

Virus this work if we click the folder shortcut new harry potter ... lnk, microsoft. Once we click the folder shortcut its so activated wsript.exe will find a file that is located in the folder windows system32 folder. Wscript.exe actively with the virus will begin to spread. So the key is that the virus is active on the file wscript.exe. For that we must kill wscript.exe way change of the name.

Open Windows Explorer, click the tool menu option, folder option, view, click show hidden files and folders, click / uncheck the Hide extensions for known file types and Hide protected operating system files.Klik OK.

Open the folder C: \ Windows \ system32 \ dllcache. This folder is collection of files from the backup files in the system32 folder. Find the file and click the right wsript.exe rename a wscriptx.exe for example. And open the C: \ Windows \ system32, find the file and click the right wsript.exe rename wscriptx.exe also be, for example.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

E Perlu - Kerja Perlu dibereskan 2 hari lagi


Kerja terkini .... Harap tidak tertinggal...

Borang Offline ( senang isi dulu baru online )  : http://www.moe.gov.my/bs/eperlu/Borang%20ePerlu.pdf

ePerlu adalah satu aplikasi bertujuan mendapatkan maklumat untuk mengetahui status kesediaan sekolah sebelum sesi persekolahan 2011 bermula. Sekolah hendaklah memastikan maklumat yang diisi adalah tepat dan memberi gambaran sebenar status keperluan sekolah.

Data yang lengkap diisi hendaklah dicetak dan disahkan oleh pentadbir sekolah serta disimpan bagi tujuan pemantauan oleh pihak Kementerian, JPN & PPD.
Pihak sekolah hendaklah menyediakan senarai dan data bagi setiap kekurangan supaya memudahkan pihak pemantau membuat penilaian terhadap sekolah.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Maaf Zahir Dan Batin ... Kini dipermainkan ?

Kemaafan... bagi saya adalah satu perkara yang sangat penting/serius/utama dalam kehidupan. Bukan semudah kata -kata itu tetapi lebih dalam lagi kemaafan yang ikhlas adalah dari rasa kesanggupan hati yang mengakui kesilapan dan merendah diri untuk diperakukan kesalahan yang dilakukan dan seterusnya dengan rasa merendah diri juga satu pihak lagi akan memaafkan  dan menimbulkan rasa kasih sayang dan keikhlasan antara manusia  ...

Tadi saya katakan penting, Kenapa pula penting? Kerana kesalahan manusia ini hanya pada dua perkara, pertama kepada Tuhan dan kedua kepada makhlukNya.... Secara ringkas , bukankah indahnya jika dosa kita terampun jika Tuhan mengampunkan dosa kita dan semua makhluknya pula memaafkan kita. Alangkan bersihnya diri kita.... 

 Hari Raya ini adalah saat penting untuk kita memohon maaf, kenapa? Sebab jarang sekali kita lihat ( dan mungkin tak sanggup pun kita buat ) secara tiba-tiba setelah bertikam lidah / membuat kesalahan / menyinggung orang lain / salah faham / dan seribu satu sebab ... kita datang dan memohon maaf ... ada ke? rasanya tak ada ...

 Jadi jika ada persengketaan yang panjang, hari raya biasanya akan menjadi titik tolak kepada
kedamaian itupun jika ada kesanggupan untuk melupakan segalanya. 

(saya ringkaskan ) Namun pada zaman ini saya merasa sangat sedih kerana bila memohon maaf - " Maaf zahir dan Batin " .. maka suara-suara seumpama ini akan kedengaran antaranya  - "Zahir je mana ada Batin - batin " ... 

Bukan yang muda-muda sahaja, malah yang lebih tua pun sama juga, kalau orang muda mudahlah nak jelaskan tapi kalau yang tua pada kita, nanti kata naka ajar orang tua pulak ?

Nak bergurau? sesuaikah masa yang penting ini untuk bergurau selain daripada baki setahun daripada detik ini? 

Tahukah mereka bahawa yang zahir ni mudah untuk dinyatakan kesalahan, tetapi yang batin inilah yang begitu banyak kesalahan kerana ianya begitu mudah tanpa berkelip mata pun sudah boleh melakukan kesilapan - buruk sangka, dengki, mengata, marah, dan sebagainya. 

... saudara / saudari / tuan  / puan  bagaimana ?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Adobe Page Maker? Nostalgia

Bukan sahaja yang lagu yang menjadi nostalgia, tetapi bagi saya perisian Adobe Pagemaker 5.0 menggamit kenangan yang begitu banyak kisahnya disebalik kehidupan masa itu....

Kini apabila menggunakan Indesign maka secara tidak langsung kenangan kehidupan Pagemaker terus mengimbas satu persatu seperti persembahan power point lagaknya

Saya petik dari Wikipedia.. 



In 2004, Adobe announced that development for Adobe PageMaker had ceased but that Adobe would continue to sell and support it. InDesign was presented as the successor product.[9] Upgrades from PageMaker to InDesign 2.0 and (after the release of InDesign CS) a "PageMaker Plug-in Pack" were offered, containing PageMaker-specific features and help topics, complimentary Myriad Pro fonts and templates.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Best Of Indesign CS5

Best Of Indesign CS5

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Download Youtube From MozillaFirefox

Friday, April 16, 2010

Editing Online.....

Photoshop ? GIMP? Lightroom? apa ... dalam komputer semua ni tak ada? Habis....? macamana ni... macamana nak buat editing gambar? tak kan nak guna PAINT?

 Jangan Risau, kalau ada Online anda akan selamat..... gunakan 


Picnik makes your photos fabulous with easy to use yet powerful editing tools. Tweak to your heart’s content, then get creative with oodles of effects, fonts, shapes, and frames.
It's fast, easy, and fun

  • Fix your photos in just one click
  • Use advanced controls to fine-tune your results
  • Crop, resize, and rotate in real-time
  • Tons of special effects, from artsy to fun
  • Astoundingly fast, right in your browser
  • Awesome fonts and top-quality type tool
  • Basketfuls of shapes from hand-picked designers
  • Works on Mac, Windows, and Linux
  • No download required, nothing to install


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lupa Vlookup (Excel) ... ada videonya....

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Photoshop cs4 more powerful-and-lightewighter-than cs2

Writer  :  Thaslayer

Okay, now this is unbelievable, BETng4U installed Photoshop CS4 and on the other day he was telling me about how better CS 4 runs on his system(he has a PC similar to mine). Yesterday night i removed CS2, and installed CS4(trial version), and i have to say that it’s tempting me to buy CS4 and let CS2 go.
We all know that CS3 was a huge resource hog, many designers hated it(just like people hate vista now), and now that Adobe came out with CS4 which doesn’t devour your system everyone seems to be in love with it.
To check if my colleague was really right about performance and resource consumption i did a small test: Before uninstalling CS2 i opened up a PSD in it and checked how much memory it eats, after which i did the same thing in CS4 and voila CS4 ate about 31MB memory less than CS2. Same PSD, different photoshop version

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Version Of Avira Antivirus Available - Version 10

News From AVIRA
23 March 2010 – IT security expert Avira is enabling its 100 million-plus users to become active virus fighters by introducing cloud-based virus detection and prevention with the latest generation of its anti-virus software, Avira AntiVir Version 10. New protective cloud technology detects and immobilizes new viruses as soon as they appear in the wild – helping to stop the spread of malware in its tracks.

 The new version of Avira AntiVir also cleans up after as-yet-undetected viruses: its generic repair feature searches for any residual data and removes this from the hard disk and registry after an infection has been detected – helping to remove traces that may otherwise allow a PC to become compromised.

( Dalam tempoh terdekat, avira  Version 9 tidak lagi efektif kerana tidak dibangunkan lagi antara lain dari segi update pattern virus, jadi jika saudara sedang menggunakan antivirus avira, eloklah bertukar ke versi yang baru dibangunkan ini )
Boleh download di sini > Avira Homepage

Thursday, March 11, 2010

SAP(050310) versi baru 2010 boleh import terus dari SMM

Kepada semua cikgu2 yang bergiat dengan Peperiksaan (S/U PEP) bolehlah gunakan SAP yang terbaru ini,

Dengan pesanan berikut " check dulu dengan daerah(PPD) ...guna versi mana...takutlah ada masalah masa nk gabung... Versi ni ada tambahan pada pull down menu impot dari hem (SMMDATA.mdb).
Pastikan nama kelas ada 8 aksara je.... jika lebih boleh import masuk dari hem tapi tak boleh daftar pep kelas "
Terima kasih kepada memanda En WanZaidi atas hebahan ini....
Dan terima kasih juga pada pihak yang membuatkannya - semoga dirahmati Allah.
( Pihak kita ni tolong uploadkan sahaja untuk kebaikan bersama)
Download di sini.... 

Monday, March 1, 2010

Anti Spyware Tools Ad Aware Free!

Ad-Aware Free

Version: 8.2
Downloads Count: 15,996,461
License Type: Free
Price: Free
Date Added: Feb 16, 2010
Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Requirements: 32- or 64-bit OS, Intel Pentium 600MHz, RAM for OS plus 100MB RAM, 100MB free hard drive space
File Size: 95027 KB
Author: Lavasoft 

Download  From PCWorld

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Converter SMM > HEM untuk SAP123/SAP45

Dengan Keizinan Allah dan Alhamdulillah dah siap pun, Converter SMM > HEM versi 2.0 Beta versi ini telah di uji oleh rerakan. Versi Alfa 1.0 ada sedikit masalah setelah diuji dengan pengguna.

Bagi yang mahir memanglah access memanglah mudah untuk ambil data atau tukar nama table disana sini , namun bagi yang kurang mahir diharapkan dapat membantu tuan/puan.

Download di Sini : http://www.mediafire.com/?m4ajd0gmtib

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Google Chrome Operating System

Article From Official Google Blog : http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html

It's been an exciting nine months since we launched the Google Chrome browser. Already, over 30 million people use it regularly. We designed Google Chrome for people who live on the web — searching for information, checking email, catching up on the news, shopping or just staying in touch with friends.

However, the operating systems that browsers run on were designed in an era where there was no web. So today, we're announcing a new project that's a natural extension of Google Chrome — the Google Chrome Operating System.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Firefox 3.6

New in Firefox 3.6: Personas

Instantly change the look of your Firefox with thousands of easy-to-install themes.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mail Merge 2007

Monday, January 11, 2010

Nero 9 support win7

Nero 9

Article From http://www.nero.com/enu/technologies-windows-7.html

Box: Nero 9, packshot

Simply Create, Burn, Rip, Copy, Edit, Share and Enjoy

Nero 9, the award-winning, best-selling digital media suite, has been tested to meet all of the technical requirements to be compatible with Windows 7. This way, even with the latest Windows OS, you will continue to have access to the latest state-of-the-art features that let you create and share music, videos, and photos.

Nero 9 lets you:

  • Enjoy faster rip and burn functions
  • Back up and copy CDs, DVDs, and Blu-ray Discs in just one click
  • Create, edit, and burn home movies and slide shows easily
  • Edit and author videos with professional results
  • Remove commercials from recorded TV broadcasts
  • Convert PowerPoint® presentations to DVD for TV playback
  • Share photos and videos on My Nero and other online communities
  • Play back AVCHD and other HD formats

Remote Desktop Connection from Internet

Remote Desktop Connection from Internet

article from : HomeNetwork

Sometimes there are people trying to make Remote Desktop connection from office or Internet to their home network's computer, but couldn't make it works. However the remote connection is working well if the user connects it at home.

So what's the problem? The reason is most of the users install router at home and share single Internet connection, which means there is only one public IP that used by router to route traffic to/from Internet. When the user key in the public IP of his/her home network (usually we can check the public IP on the router) to make connection, the router will receive the network packets but don’t know what to do about it and drop the packets eventually.

Solution?? You need to enable port forwarding or virtual server on the router to forward the packets to that internal Remote Desktop enabled computer for establishing the connection. You should be able to find these features on most of the routers. If your don't have router or router does not support this feature, check out these routers!

So here is how to make it works!! You must assign static IP address to that computer with Remote Desktop feature enabled. After that log on to your router management page, look for the port forwarding or virtual server setting. If you are not sure where to look for, read the router manual.

Once you found it, key in the server listening port number (Remote Desktop port is TCP 3389) with protocol TCP and the IP address of Remote Desktop enabled computer.

Below is the port forwarding parameters I put on Linksys WRT54G wireless router, and after that I have no problem to make Remote Desktop connection to home network's public IP remotely from my office. When the router receives the packets with destination port TCP-3389, it will forward those packets to computer with IP, which is my Remote Desktop enabled computer.

Note: If you enabled remote desktop web connection, then you would also need to do port forwarding for port TCP-80 on router, so that the users can do remote desktop access from Internet by using web browser.

article from : HomeNetwork

Use Windows Firewall to unblok online programming

For information about blocking certain .exe\'s in Windows firewall on XP/Vista -


sorry can't say very much.. look up yourself..

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